Frolov S.A. (2024). The Behavior Change Manifesto: Redefining Life and Cognition. Journal of the IMPCAI. ISSN 3034-4697. Project CognitEvo

The Behavior Change Manifesto:

Redefining Life and Cognition

Shifting the paradigm
We stand on the brink of a new understanding of life and cognition—a vision that transcends centuries of fragmented perspectives. For decades, the field of cognition has grappled with a perplexing reality: we lack a universal definition of cognition, an architecture to describe its structures, and a coherent methodology to study it.
For too long, cognition has been constrained by narrow definitions, limited to brain-bearing organisms and hierarchical notions of intelligence.
These gaps have been deftly avoided in many scientific disciplines, but the dawn of General and Human-Like Artificial Intelligence demands answers. The urgency has never been greater - without understanding cognition—its essence, architecture, and evolutionary trajectory—we cannot hope to replicate it on artificial carriers.
It’s time to challenge these boundaries and embrace a more inclusive, universal framework: Behavior Change (BC). Behavior Change is the unifying thread of all life. It is the language through which organisms—from the simplest microbe to the most complex human—address their adaptive tasks. BC is more than movement or reaction; it is the dynamic process of recognizing, calculating, and choosing responses to environmental challenges. This process is essential for maintaining energy, safety, and reproduction—the three pillars of species survival.

A Universal Framework for Life and Cognition
By centering on BC, we uncover the shared architecture of cognition that spans all species. Every living entity, regardless of its complexity, demonstrates cognition through its capacity to adapt behaviorally to its environment. From bacteria navigating chemical gradients to plants orienting toward sunlight, from fungi enslaving insects to dolphins navigating social hierarchies, BC is the common denominator of life.
This universal framework reshapes our understanding of cognition. It challenges anthropocentric models and elevates the recognition of all life forms as participants in the evolutionary journey of cognition. BC becomes both the tool organisms use to navigate their worlds and the measure by which we understand their cognitive capabilities.

Evolutionary Tracks: A Journey of Cognition
Life’s evolutionary trajectory is defined by the emergence of five fundamental adaptive tasks, each tied to a distinct cognitive-behavioral structure:
  1. Binary Recognition: The ability to distinguish between beneficial and harmful environmental elements.
  2. Object Interaction: Recognizing motile entities (predators, prey, mates) and reacting accordingly.
  3. Contextual Solutions: Engaging in camouflage, signaling, navigating other organisms and other nuanced responses to environmental complexity.
  4. Group Dynamics: Developing collaborative and competitive behaviors for survival within social systems.
  5. Symbolic Representation: Employing abstract systems of communication and reasoning, culminating in human cognition.
These tracks illuminate the evolutionary ingenuity of life, revealing how organisms adapt through BC to meet the challenges of survival.

A Vision for the Future
BC is not just a framework for understanding the past; it is a tool for shaping the future. By applying the principles of BC, we can redefine cognition, build ethical AI, and foster a renewed respect for life in all its forms.
  • In Science: BC provides a cohesive lens to unify biology, psychology, and sociology, offering a foundation for studying cognition across species.
  • In Technology: BC inspires the development of General and Human-Like AI systems that reflect the adaptive intelligence of natural systems.
  • In Society: BC challenges us to honor the interconnectedness of all life, fostering a philosophy of sustainability, empathy, and collaboration.

A Call to Action
This manifesto is an invitation to rethink, reimagine, and redefine. Let us move beyond outdated hierarchies of intelligence and embrace a framework that unites all living systems through the lens of BC.
We call on scientists, thinkers, and innovators across disciplines to test, refine, and expand this framework. Use BC to unlock the mysteries of cognition, bridge the gap between life and artificial systems, and address humanity’s most pressing challenges.
Behavior Change is the thread that binds us to the evolutionary story of life and the possibilities of tomorrow. Together, we can ensure that the principles of BC guide us into a future where cognition is understood, life is respected, and AI serves as a force for good.
The time to act is now. Let us honor the legacy of life’s journey and shape a world where science, innovation, and ethics thrive together.
DEC, 3 / 2024
Author: Frolov Sergei (c)

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